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The History of
Midwest Transition Institute 

The first Midwest Transition Institute (MTI) was in 2017 in Terra Haute, Indiana.  Below are brief highlights of each MTI, and links to more details about each annual event.

Logo with a green triangle with an aqua checkered flag in the center of the point.  The words Midwest Transition Institute 2017, Race for the Dream... and Creating Opportunities for Tomorrow are blue and run in four lines from left to right across the triangle.

2017 MTI

Race for the Dream...Creating Opportunities for Tomorrow

Inside an orange outline, a graphic steer face is next to two orange arrows and above the words "Midwest Deafblind Transition Institute Moooving Forward."

2018 MTI

Moooving Forward

The words “Midwest Transition Institute for Youth Who Are Deafblind” and small location/date text are outside an outline of Minnesota, which holds a drawing of a blue ox with a white cane, trees, and the full moon.

2019 MTI

Land of 10,000 Opportunities

Black background with colorful lines swirled over it.  The words Zooming through transition, in white text, floats over the background.

2021 MTI

Zooming Through Transition

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln overlaying the outline of the State of Illinois

2022 MTI

SustainABE-L Futures

A blue circle with a white outline of the mississippi river and the gateway arch with a yellow outline of the st louis city skyline. over the top, text reads, MTI 2023 in St. Louis

2023 MTI

MTI 2023 in St Louis

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